TRISAT: Slovenia’s Pioneering Nanosatellite Reaches its Mission End
The mission of the TRISAT satellite concluded on the night of 29 to 30 September 2024.

Small technology, big innovation
"Envision a highly miniaturised camera, less than two cubic millimetres in size,...

TRISAT-R with NANOsky satellite avionics continues to operate flawlessly
We are very happy to report, that the TRISAT-R nanosatellite, equipped with our NANOsky satellite avionics, is a complete success! TRISAT-R continues to operate reliably, despite being exposed to intense radiation in mid-Earth orbit (MEO)…

Follow Live Trisat-R in Space
TRISAT-R, launched by VEGA-C's maiden flight last July, is successfully continuing its mission in mid-Earth orbit at altitude of approximately 6,000 km. Monitoring of satellite telemetry on an important mission is available to the public.

TRISAT-R Software Successfully Updated in Orbit
We are pleased to announce that SkyLabs and the University of Maribor have reached another important milestone in space operations by a successful update of the software onboard the TRISAT-R nanosatellite flying in the Middle Earth Orbit (MEO).

TRISAT-R SkyLabs GNSS Receiver Locked in Medium Earth Orbit
We are very pleased to announce that the SkyLabs on-board computer with an embedded GNSS receiver provided for the TRISAT-R mission has successfully locked to the navigation signals at the planned altitude of approximately 6000 km in the…

TRISAT-R Successfully Reached the Medium Earth Orbit
We are very pleased to announce that the TRISAT-R nanosatellite, in the production of which the SkyLabs company also participated, successfully passed the maiden launch of the new Vega-C rocket and was successfully delivered to the target orbit.

TRISAT-R Ready to Fly to MEO
TRISAT-R nanosatellite primed by the University of Maribor in cooperation with SkyLabs d.o.o. is ready to fly on the VV21 VEGA-C Maiden Flight to the Middle Earth Orbit at altitude of approximately 6000 km. The satellite was transported to…

SkyLabs will cooperate with researchers from the University of Maribor in the production of a new TRISAT-S nanosatellite with the aim of technologically demonstrating a secure radio connection between the space segment of nanosatellites and…

SkyLabs nanosat platform NANOsky I is in space!
Today (3.9.2020) at 3:33 UTC time the TRISAT (https://www.trisat.um.si/) satellite was successfully deployed from Small Spacecraft Mission Service module (SSMS).
First beacon was received at 8:30 (UTC) showing predicted (normal) operation.…