SkyLabs new communication infrastructure for SkyLabs next generation satellite platforms
A new European VEGA-C launch vehicle is expected to fly into MEO orbit on July 7, 2022. One of the payloads will also be a new Slovenian nanosatellite called TRISAT-R developed at University of Maribor (UM-FERI) in cooperation with #SkyLabs company. The purpose of the satellite will be to collect data on the operation of the magnetic field during solar flares at an altitude of 6000 km. Due to the satellite miniaturization and large mutual distance, #SkyLabs company start investment into new ground station.
On the outskirts of the Maribor city, in cooperation with City Municipality of Maribor, DARS company, DUOL company and UM-FERI, #SkyLabs established a new own infrastructure, which, when fully completed, will enable narrowband and broadband communication in different frequency bands (VHF / UHF / S / X / Ka) for the next generation of #SkyLabs satellite platforms addressing low and medium Earth orbits.