SkyLabs kick-off picoRTU project with ESA

11th November 2017
SkyLabs, Maribor, Slovenia

SkyLabs has been honoured to host an ESA representatives and Slovenian delegation for the first time in the new premises. The purpose of the visit was official kick-off of the project, where SkyLabs and Laboratory for Electronic and Information Systems – LEIS (University of Maribor) will develop a new concept of distributed & intelligent electronic subsystems for the new age satellite platforms. Solutions with its scalability, modularity and versatility is presenting another milestone in SkyLabs vision of changing economy of space. Subsystems will be built around proprietary small-scale radiation hardened by design soft core processor PicoSkyFT. Already proven reliability and availability of PicoSkyFT core is now spreading into different business models. Using so called SkyLabs basic building blocks will help companies to proactively achieve a shorter time to market and higher productivity levels.